High Stress and emotions can lead to irritability, anger, hormone imbalance, frequent sighing, poor digestion, bloating, upset stomach, sugar cravings, frequent naps, listlessness & clog skin pores. Smooths liver qi (energy) stagnation, tonifies spleen qi (energy), tonify liver blood.*
Best Natural Adrenal Gland Boosting Supplement Adrenal Fatigue Burnout (100 Capsules) | Solution Relieves Stress for Instant Emotional Calmness & Mental Relaxation | Mellow Treatment Adult Men Women'
All natural herbal: In TCM, Liver energy can stagnate causing fatigue, irritability and burnout. These herbs harmonize liver energy, soothe emotional rise and nourish body mind. Our premium Adrenal-X supplement is designed to work with your body size and balance.
Remember you might want to buy 2-3 bottles - You’ll be taking what to western minds is a “large dose” -4-8 capsules 3x a day depending on your weight and sensitivity, but it’s not, it’s just gentle, natural herbs in a capsule form so it’s an appropriate effective dose without side effects.
“I was feeling super burned out and using these herbs gives me a feeling of well being, a sense of calmness and more energy the next day. I wasn't familiar with the herbs so I did a little research on the internet and the herbs are known to be helpful for issues with adrenal fatigue and adrenal burnout:” — AB/Los Angelos, CA
Directions: Take 4-8 caps 3 times a day.
View Body Weight Herbal Dosing Chart
Potent, All Natural, Soothing and Rapid Acting Therapeutic Grade Herbs for Quick Relief: Dang Gui Chinese Angelica Root, Bai Shao White Peony Root, Zhi Gan Cao Licorice Root, Chai Hu Bupleurum Root, Bai Shao White Peony Root, Bai Zhu Atractylodis Rhizome, Fu Ling Poria, Bo He Mentha, Wei Sheng Jiang Ginger Rhizom, Shan Zhi Zi Cape Jasmine Fruit, Plus Mu Dan Pi Peony Root Bark